Anne Rogers Anderson — Bay City, Michigan

This is Hag ***** Anne and her sicko husband Tommy. She likes to portray herself as a CATHOLIC, but read on and tell me what YOU think. And remember, this is just the TIP of the iceberg with her disgust. Anne likes to have *** with family members while her own husband video tapes it – REPEATEDLY! No regard to her nephews wife and kids. This trash is honestly the most disgusting I’ve ever heard of in my life. This nephew also witnessed her give his friend whom the Hag never even met before, a ******** before even a formal introduction! This Hag ***** is exactly what puts REAL women to shame. She even goes as far as covering her gross sand bag **** under a “nighty”, because apparently she thinks old, fat, nasty and stinky is the new thing. Feel free to look this nasty broad up on Facebook. Anne pretends to be Catholic…..however, I wonder what her church will say when she is exposed there. Next on the list! I’m sure they will appreciate her committing adultery, incest, use of birth control (supposedly). What AUNT (not just an aunt, an OLD lady! lol) gets undressed for their nephew and performs the utmost disgusting acts?! Then watches the video tapes of it in her house and allows the children in the house to access these video’s so they can see their mother (herself), their father and their cousin engaging in the most disgusting sexual acts any human being could perform! And in THEE most disgusting ways possible! Her husband plays blackmail games, along with manipulation, to lure their prey in. Her husband is Tommy Anderson “the Magician” (lmao) and is known to our area! Spread the news so these SICK disgusting waste-of-space-on-this-earth sickos can be FULLY EXPOSED! Incest is a felony, punishable by up to LIFE IN PRISON here in Michigan! And I have solid proof going forward to expose them and have them prosecuted to the fullest (per my attorney)! Please, do me the favor and give them a “holler” on their facebook in regards to what disgust these pigs are!

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