Angelica Rios – Newport Beach, California

Urgent News!!! ANGELICA RIOS This disgusting person who is a mother stole my 10 year old sons Brand new IPhone he got for his birthday at my sons special 10th Birthday party at my house!!! Stole it right from my home on his birthday party ?? Who Steele’s from a child??! He cried for days!! It’s been a month and police report is filed and phone was recovered among stolen wallets purses and credit cards other phone from her vehicle driving illegally no license!!! She is rolling people RAT THIEF.

She has a son my sons age so I invited for the boys to play never liked her but I figured what harm can she do at a party for kids?so if you see her hide your belongings, she will not be allowed in many places soon but in meantime watch out and delete her SHE STOLE FROM MY HOME MY CHILDS BIRTHDAY GIFT IPHONE , MY BABY GIOVI 10 his dad bought him!!!!! She is done in this town, gross disgusting human being and I want her punishment to be 86 from This town, SHE is a thief and con artist so please watch out for this ugly woman!!!! EVERYONE HELP ME! Please share! She’s a horrible role model for a mom, her son Alexandre is sweet innocent but I can tell he is troubled I found out CPS been involved with her x times too! STOP this disgusting animal evil thief and let’s get her help by locking her up! ANGELICA RIOS STOLE FROM MY CHILD!!! She’s got ***** to mess with my kid!!! Crazy actually must be mentally challenged if she thinks she can roll me? She better move away cuz it’s not going to be pretty for her here! PLEASE HELP ME AND SHARE THIS POST

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