Angela Richards — Kingston, Canada

Hi, this post is about the **** angela Richard’s of Kingston. De she currently hangs out around the no-good rat Sloot Zoe Robson. This sloot constantly lies and cheats on her bf of the last 13 years not to mention she puts him behind bars when she doesn’t want him around anymore or when he finds out about her lies. She constantly cheats on him drops her kids off at other peoples houses to watch them while she goes off to be a ***** then would randomly message her bf of 13 years to tell him how much she loves him and then go and be a ***** immediately after. Now the poor guy can barely see his kids has always taken care of them. People like this need to be brought out it is not right at all what so ever oh ya and did I mention she has stds be aware she likes to invite you over and her friend the famous Zoe Robson will steal from your vehicle well she is being a ***** with you. She is s horrible person that doesn’t give a *** about anyone not even her kids

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