Angela Cooper — West Virginia

She’s always trying to t threaten and sue people . Once she worked at fast food and tell in front of thirty customers and tried to use the handicapped and sue card . She’s always been a useless punk and dirt bag . I’m such a happy princess love my husband on face book. Everyone knows what she does behind his back and has been doing it to other guys she’s told I love you . Sleeping Around if you all can’t figure that out . There I put it out there. Dumb Hick tried to sue Krogers . She use to commit thefts and gossip around there . Angela stop . Just stop you stupid hoe . That’s why you lost that case . You’re a low life who can’t keep a job and a hoe and liar . When your husband finds out you have given your number out to guys and several people seen you do it and talked . He will likely leave you . You think your a bully . You’re just a druggie and uneducated moron who rarely went through school without failing .

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