Ang Marie — Grand Prairie, Canada

Be careful around this one. She’s a thieving sl0t, addicted to Pepsi and needles. She’s an absolute f0kin mess. Gets the jitters when she doesn’t have Pepsi and is an absolute ***** to her loving sexy boyfriend. Don’t know why he puts up with her ****. She keeps getting dogs and cats and killing them cause they swallow the needles she leaves all over her house. Then she leaves them in the home for a few months to r0t and she puta them on the BBQ. Real messed in the head this chick. De she b1tches and whines that she can’t find friends to stick around. Don’t **** her over either or she will go after your exes. Not to mention she has 2 nice new uninsured vehicles in her parking lot. Be a shame if someone came and f00ked her **** right up. Haha boo hoo, you dirty c0nt. Don’t be fooled by the pic, she won’t take a single selfie without a filter so ppl won’t see how cracked out and uglier she is. Inside and out.

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