Andrew Martin Faber — Oregon

Of the worst kind. Uses DEAD fiance (died of cancer nearly eight years ago) for pity to initially connect with you and will use her as the excuse why he “can’t get close to you” or “can’t be in a relationship”. Mind you he is balancing SEVERAL women including 1) two women (one in New York and another in Oregon), 2) he bounces back and forth between saying he is in Seattle and he is in Portland, and 3) he is on SEVERAL dating websites but has a preference for OKcupid (where he has been FOREVER but will claim he closes his account and will contact you directly via email (because he has actually blocked your account and is still talking to other women). Will rip your heart out and break up with you by EMAIL (a standard one he has prepared because I met another woman he had dated and she had the DE EXACT SAME EMAIL – WORD FOR WORD)! He is an artist/writer (goes by the pen name of AM Faber). He has never been married (again even though his fiance was dying and they were dating for years before, remember, she was always fiance – NOT wife so he certainly isn’t serious about you). I Will tell you stories about caring for her as she died from breast cancer for more pity points or to get you in bed?

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