Andrea Tinsey — California

This almost 50 year old newly divorced ( due to her infidelities) first of all will cling to any man who gives her the least amount of attention while pursuing her ex husband non stop. He must like it he turned out just like her and she wants a man to pay pay pay for her stupid mlm pyramid schemes… she dates for dollars and when the dollars stop she wants her ex back… shes on a lot of dating sites… on the prowl. She’s really ugly, fat as f**k and now is a bible thumper because her last boyfriend went to church. If she only knew how much her bf went after her ex’s gf she’d flip she’s got to be center of attention, she’s really like dumb, really. When they said stupid people shouldn’t breed this woman here in whom they meant. She screws around with so many guys she’s constantly got the yeasty boys and requires cream – eat at your own risk- and she thinks she’s hot … both her and her ex husband are retards from a different cloth they’re both users, ugly and depend on the flavor of the minute to make them feel good- watch out!!! Keep ur hubbys tight she doesn’t care if married or not .., this one carries drds.

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