Andrea Marie Wright — Madison, Wisconsin

I have been with my man (not married) for going on 9 years this April 2017. I started having a weird gut feeling something was going on.. my man up n s3lls my car so now I can’t come see him at work nothing.. this so called women was the *** mother of my boys.. I told her everything that was going on with us. A random employee at at gas station I go to rarely says hey u still with that man ur normally with.. I said yea y for u ask she say well he was in. Here all over some other women with red n black hair.. BINGO IT’S MISS ANDREA.. Mind u Andrea is with a women she will tell u she hates *****. But for some odd odd reason she has been with her 2 door dealers, some Creep Dan she ******* n gets money for, slept with 3 of Tiffany’s(Andrea girlfriend) family members on being her brother in law.. so i have come Up with all this b.s I have been dealing with since December.. she’s with Tiffany so she dont have to work she can do ejaye6she wants cuz riffs push over Andrea walks all over Tiffany it so sad.. but she does what when she pleases and cheats on her every few months for ago couple months.. this women is who I thought was my best friend, she was my boys *** moms.. like really?? She not only ly played me but she got to my mam some how idk n she hurt my kids so badly.. they cry to us about what happened.. no 3 and 4 ear old should look keep any of this but they seem it when I wasn’t around m started speaking up.. I really hope karma gets her before I do cuz its not going to be pretty..

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