Amy Keener — Dixon, Illinois

Her lies have no limit, stay away from this diagnoised bipolar, said to some others she has schizophrenia, brain tumor.Shes a drama attention homewrecking *****. I am done playing nice. Haaaa Let me tell you all about this one. B***** grew up in small *** hick town. She woke up one day after her daddy molested her and traded her to his friends to cheat on guys. After she started going after everyone else’s guy including ex.s. This is not the first time she has done this, which I have done thorough research on this disgusting female. She tries to befriend you then trys to manipulate you into thinking she is your friend. Mean while goes behind your back going after your guy. She plays on the weak part your relationship and guys who weak as well. She has problems with angry outbursts and even destroying others property. She uses *** as a cover and pretends she lives a righteous life by fact she married. She even claims she goes to church. Talking about how Christians are better than Catholics. She doesn’t even live a clean life nor try to by continuing to be this way. She pretended to be my friends friend while sleeping with her husband behind her back. Also went after my man. She likes to think she hard by past fights and dated past gangsters. Yet this h** doesn’t know what it feels like killing as she never has. Yet she wants to play she a bad *** or queen! She came after a past relationship I had while she married. At first she made excuses for their phone contact saying they friends and lying she has “physical” joint custody of their kid. One day I took his phone and read her messages. His wasn’t inappropriate but hers was. She messaged me in past to reassure me she was just a friend but secretly was in love with my man, sending him pics, telling him she loved him. She is very low and has no self respect! She’s even lower when confronted she said she had a man and that she doesn’t want my man back. She’s an ex. I rolled my eyes yeah right! The inappropriate ness on her end continued for years. Oh yeah.She goes and forth claiming she don’t want him. Whatever then quit contacting him and demanding to be “first” as well as screaming it! I talked to him many times to make sure it wasn’t him and watched him good for awhile. Snooped too. He even ignored her and showed me he wanted me loves me.In past she went around area we lived at telling his friends lies I cheated to try to break us up. This ***** cant admit she wants him back and lies. All to start more **** and drama. She brought it on she started flirting with him in person. While I was there and told her it time for her to leave go on get and opened the door. She turned her big ol lop sided ugly ***, stormed out that door. She started to say something but I shut the door. Haaa. She’d send him text demanding she first and asking to choose her even. After this guy had a baby. How pathetic. WTF you mean choose you hoe? He’s with me stupid lying ****! She goes by many names to try and conceal her past for being a prostitute so her kids don’t find out mamma’s a dirty hoe, *****, trashy, etc. The area she use to sell herself in was Lee county, IL. When she was younger. Not sure If she still does this but in past she did. She was fired for being a prostitute. She juggles many guys at the same time while being married.

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