What a joke you are, “Amy Delsanter”!! You have to get to “your job, you say?”
WHAT JOB??? Bwaaahaaahaa…you can’t get hired anywhere because you’re a felon and prostitute so you clean up dog **** for a living…YES, PEOPLE,…THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT THIS DUMB BITCHE’S JOB IS!!
AND YOU HAVE TO GET HOME TO YOUR “HOT HUSBAND?” HAHAHA HA. YOU MEAN THOMAS, THE 5’7″ STONED OUT, EX-CON, DRUG DEALER, WIGGER, POOL BOY (who works all day for $12/hr when he can find work) that for some reason stays with your fat, over-inflated, snaggle-toothed, NAPPY-headed, bull ****, cellulite-ridden , gut-floppin’, lesbian p*ssy-licking, lying, theiving, prostituting, obsessing, jealous, meth-scabbed ***!

Obviously, you project to others what you hate in yourself. Everything you said about Melissa is completely untrue about HER but ABSOLUTELY A DESCRIPTION OF YOU!!! EVERYONE, GO LOOK AT FAT “AMY DALE DELSANTER” FB PAGE AND THEN LOOK AT BEAUTIFUL MELISSA’S…. THERE’S A REASON AMY WAS A HOMELESS STREET URCHIN FOR YEARS, STEALING, CONNING AND SUCKING D*CK FOR MONEY UNDER A BRIDGE TO GO GET METH FOR HER AND HER BULL **** BLACK GIRL FRIEND WHILE MELISSA WAS ON NATIONAL HOOTERS CALENDERS AND WAS WINNER OF COUNTLESS BEAUTY PAGEANTS! “Amy Dale Delsanter” is a complete 100% sociopath with mental issues who has been in and out of mental institutions her entire life. She is an obsessive stalker who zeros in on a victim who’s only crime can be that she is pretty and gets a lot of attention and it reminds FAT “AMY DALE DELSANTER” of the fact that she has always been an overweight, nappy-headed, snaggle-toothed bull ****-looking , straight up beast of a lesbian!! She defies ALL LOGIC and COMMON SENSE and looks at beautiful women and calls their perfect, straight white teeth “brown donkey teeth” when SHE is actually just projecting her insecurities about her snaggle METH mouth onto them, despite the fact that EVERYONE sees it differently! She will say a beautiful woman with luxurious hair has a “ratty weave”, when she has 4 inches of nappy African-American brillo pad growth poking out from under her cheap “white girl weave” and trying to hide it with big HUGE BOWS! BWAAAHAAAHA….REALLY??? BOWS??? WHAT 50-year old woman wears bows??? Someone trying to hide that NAP, that’s who!!!
“AMY DELSANTER” you need to stand in front of the mirror with that husband that you outweigh by 80 lbs and have him HONESTLY tell you that you are FAT, you have a PIG FACE, you have a snaggle-toothed grin that is discolored, your hair is soooooo **** nappy, you have so much cellulite that you look like you were on fire and someone put you out with ice picks! **** girl, you are just completely f*cked up yet, you choose to pick on the pretty girl that you could NEVER be that reminds you of your shortcomings and you have an obsession and undeniable compulsion to attempt to denigrate them down to your ugly, fat, pathetic level so that somehow, in your sick mind, you think you can bring them down off of the pedestal that everyone places them on by lying about them. Well, the proof is in the pudding, fat ***! Take a good look in the mirror, beast, and realize YOU are the ugly sow that you claim every pretty girl is! Face it, it’s not going to get any better….you should just do the world a favor…take yourself out!!

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