Amey Swift — Winnipeg, Canada

Hi guys!! My names Amey Swift and I think the whole world is obsessed with me and stalking me when really its the other way around. I follow men to bars and restaurants they tend to and cause scenes just to make me look like a victim and tell everybody that will listen. I also create multiple fake accounts over every platform of social media just to keep tabs on men and see where there going and follow them to harass them. I have restraining orders on over 7 different men caused by lying to the court system however it has recently backfired on me by people fighting back towards my false allegations and taking me to court and now I am flagged by the law for committing perjury. If you ever receive a restraining order from me please go to the courts and ask for the application and right away you will see lies that can easily proven right away. I claim fake witnesses I have never even met, say every man is filming me through windows of my work (I guess cuz nobody has anything better to do then watch a 30 something server make minimum wage lol), say everybody makes fake profiles to contact me, claim the person calls them nonstop and runs human *** trafficking businesses!! I am far beyond mentally ill and belong in Selkirk mental hospital. Some of the men De I got orders on haven’t even seen me in multiple years and have families and children now. So I can’t stress enough if you get a restraining order served from the courts from me then please fight it and hire a lawyer. And don’t worry I can’t afford a lawyer anyways. The lawyer I had even badmouthed me cuz I couldn’t pay and said I’m a wingnut whack job. Anyways please support me and look for me on leoslist. I go by the name layla. I gotta run tho I have more fake profiles to create to spy on men that don’t care about me.

6 thoughts on “Amey Swift — Winnipeg, Canada

  1. What kinda goofy 40 y/o greasy mf living with his Mah goes on to right a 600+ word essay on a third person perspective of a woman who’s obsessed “with the world” like stfu bud, I think it goes with out saying who’s the obsessed one lol. Shake it off n kick rocks already, mans didn’t learn from a restraining order ***** still emotionally damaged enough to slander another persons name, mother didn’t teach him right.!sad af! Plus You live with your mom, I wouldn’t be talking about another persons income, tbh
    Meth heads say the wildest ish
    Leave your real name next time champ

    1. put your real name there champ!! talking s!!! and having no real facts to back anything up. chic is a wing nut whackjob loser. like look at her bfs lmao. id meet up with u anytime. pop into my inbox there “santos” internet tough guy

  2. amey swift is still making minumum wage and living with her parents. what a loser. the dude she got an order on has his own house, business, cars, lots more then i can say for whoever wrote this. ameys like 35 and works at moxies lmao. this dude also bangs her current bf ex gf behind his back throughout his whole relationship lmao losers!!!! amey will never amount to anything more then a 11 dollar an hour server lmao

  3. Omg this chic is such a nut. Everything the poster posted is true. She thinks everybody is obsessed with her and stalks her. She’s like 35 and still lives with her parents..the whole family is nuts!! I’m glad to see things backfired on her sick **** trying to ruin ppls lives and now looking like a fool. Everybody hates this psycho

  4. Yea if this is josh manna Singh I ****** the **** out of Dani your whole relationship. Pick her up at that dump on Landsdowne and ****** her down the street in my car and drop her back off at home for you 🤣🤣

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