Amelinda Everett — Ottawa, Canada

This this what a homewrecker looks like. Knowing full well that her coworker was married and had a daughter…she still chose to have a long term sexual relationship with him. She volunteered for a charity bottle drive with the wife and daughter chatting them up all day. Probably as foreplay because she’s that nasty of a person. Mind you she probably slept with him before they got to the store. These two sorry excuses for humans spent their time before their shifts having unprotected *** in her car at the parking lot of their store. She wouldn’t even make him pull out. She would stay like that her whole shift. 🤮 she met his wife and kid and knew that they had no clue what was going on and knew that this would destroy the family. Amelinda doesn’t care about the wife or the child. She cares about ***. She cares about herself. She is a selfish little ***** who had her boyfriend move to Ontario from another province to be with her while fuking that woman’s husband. She’s a scandalous sorry excuse for a woman. I pity whoever ever ends up with the likes of her and that loser of a man who has nothing and is no catch. Karma will do it’s thing.

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