Amber Redmond — South Dakota

I have been sleeping with this girl for the few years and still am. She fights with her baby daddy then goes and sleeps with other men including me I know cause I have buddies who have fuked her many times to. She laughs about how he always comes back and is to dumb to figure out what she is doing behind his back. I have met this guy a few times now and seems like an alright dude but dude your being played hard. I’m not the only one De she sneeks around with when she say she’s going to hangout with her friends but really she’s hooking up with guys on t!nder all the time if you don’t believe me go look at her phone. She’s always sending out naked pictures to myself and these guys when she’s supposedly with this guy she had a kid with. Wanted to give this dude a heads up before he gets fu#ked over she’s using you bro. She is a lying #0e don’t belive anything she says to you it’s all lies. Only reason I sleep with her is she is a good lay.

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