Amber Lynn Kisner — Cumberland, Maryland

Where to begin with this fine price of work. She has been in and out of rehab 5 or 6 times for just about everything you can put up your nose, she has 2 amazing kids who she doesn’t have custody of. She lives with her BI POLAR MOTHER and let’s just say the APPLE DOESNT FALL FAR FROM THE TREE. She claims she is going to help repair the damage “her parents” has caused her kids, but never takes responsibility for the years she has spent in drug induced stoopers… Yes people, the girl who lives at home and spent numerous vacations in rehab is going to FIX her kids. She is 36 and couldn’t honestly tell you the grass is green. This girl can’t tell the truth if it meant the well being of her kids. She uses people for their money. Fellows, this is a fair warning to stay away, and if you can’t… PRACTICE SAFE ***, though she can’t tell the TRUTH, HER ****** SAY A DIFFERENT STORY…

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