Amber Johnson — Decatur, Georgia

Amber Johnson is a vile human. She thrives on the distraction of other people’s lives. I honestly can’t even tell you where she met my ex. I just know she has no problem being the other girl. I say girl because she doesn’t deserve the title WOMAN.

Amber knew full well of my engagement. Of the fact, I was pregnant as well. She didn’t care. We were happy.. Or so I thought. I found out about Amber Johnson because the dumb ***** kept putting pictures up of them on Facebook and we had mutual friends.

When they “got together” she was pregnant with another man’s
baby. (3 babies 3 fathers) to make the story short, Amber Johnson would not go away. I did everything I could. I even pressed charges on her and had her put in jail for districting my property and for hitting me. She was like a roach.. She wouldn’t go away. Finally, I had enough. I kicked him out. Now they’re living happily ever after and I’m raising my child alone. She’s currently pregnant on #4.

Maybe one day Amber Johnson will stop wrecking homes and start being a real mother. Instead, she pawns her kids off and sleeps with any **** she can find. Amber, you are low life trash. You two deserve each other.

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