Amanda Tisher — Saskatoon, Canada

So this girl is like the black widow of all relationships, she is crazy as all f*ck. She has lost custody of all her kids as she tried to kill tbem. Her husband offed himself because it was easier than being with her. She frequents the dating sites for unsuspecting victims. Stay the *** away from her, she will ruin you. She fights with everyone at work and creates scenarios in her head that aren’t really there because she’s so crazy. De she has shoved co workers just because they asked her how she was doing. She yells at the managers all the time convinced that they are talking about her when they’re not. She doesn’t comprehend why her kids don’t want to see her, ummmm, cause you tried to kill them. Seriously, share this and if you see her on a dating site, stay away from her, you’ll end up dead or institutionalized.

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