Amanda Thompson — Montana

De, meet Amanda Thompson, she plays innocent and kind but she has a serious wine problem. First off she can’t ever have just one glass and anything past a bottle of wine and she starts reliving past traumas screaming crying fighting hiding in the corner sobbing. And when she finally gets to bed and comes out of her psychosis she always ****** the bed. Her Google search history consists of “am I an alcoholic?” And “why do I pee the bad after drinking wine? “. Along with many searches on “gay orgies” as well as “how to get a stuck condom out of your ******” ” how to stop the shakes and how to cure a hangover” remember she’s 31 asking these questions. … So, when I took her to a party She got **** faced wasted on wine and tried to have a three-way with one of my friends and his wife that owned the house, and when they turned her down in disgust she fuked a close friend of mine in front of me and everyone at the party. She uses tinder like a stripper uses Pepsi, she works at a Spa in town hence the terrible lip job and she has under eye filler which she only needs due to her serious drinking problem and endless sexcapades late nights with whoever reaches the bottom of their hook up list and get to her. The good news is she will come over let you *** her and leave, the bad news is she refuses to let guys use condoms which leads me to my warning and get other Google searches “general STDs” and “how to make your ****** smell good”?

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