Amanda Davis — Spring, Pennsylvania

So to keep this short and sweet Amanda Davis knowingly slept with my friends husband she knew my friend and their kids but as her ex would say she wanted a kid and didn’t care how so yes she ended up getting pregnant had the baby my friend and her husband are still together and karma is a ***** because Amanda ended up getting breast cancer normally I would be very sad but she didn’t care when she slept with my friends husband. After the baby was born she told my friend to respect the fact that she was his mom and not my friend to not let him call her mom but my friend told her u didn’t respect me when u slept with my husband so I don’t owe u anything and yes he calls my friend mom…lol she is an amazing mom to him even though the situation is very very hard for her still. Amanda always wants people to feel bad for her oh I’m a single mom raising him alone but guess what your not raising him alone and u get child support so don’t feel bad for u it was your choice to sleep with a married man. Anyways just beware!!! My friend is a beautiful woman and Amanda well she is ok minus the fact she needs to lose about 100 lbs what was he thinking!!

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