Amanda Carbone — Troy, Michigan

So Amanda aka Mandi aka Homewrecker has been a so called friend for over 6 years and just recently when she was homeless with her child we let her stay with us and her form of repayment is sleeping with my husband. She is such a low life we have came to find out she runs around with different men married in relationships what ever she dont care she sleeps with them and to make it worse she then uses that to get money from them. We were blind to this knowledge before hand as she didn’t show that behavior here she is now prostuted her self for herion beware of her and stay far far away. She’s done this before and will do it again. She will try to be in a relationship with both of you if she can. My husband is making right for his mistake not throwing ten years away for less then 10 min of sloppyness where he couldnt even stand strong for a ***** like her.

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