Ally Alysia Vizachero — Colorado

Alysia has been married about 4 years to her 2nd husband Rob, who she was having an affair with during her first marriage to Cassey. She cheated on Rob a few years back with a man named Dave. She takes pride in how well she’s kept her secrets, and even bragged about it to me before. Claiming her husband treats her like s**t and insults her. I was a friend of hers who ended up falling into her web of lies and deceit. We started an affair 2 yrs ago. When we met at a bar and started chatting. Alysia told me she was unhappily married and she’s pretty sure he’s playing on her or possibly gay. We ended up seeing each other regularly. During the summer of 2016 she ended up sleeping with a friend of mine James, and a gentlemen who works in the kitchen at punc hbowl social (where she manages) named Chris who has a family, to which we stopped talking until she realized she’d lost all the friends she made. She then crawled back, asking for forgiveness. It took me awhile to even see the good in her (honestly there’s a hint in there but she covers it up in booze and drugs and *** with random men so she doesn’t have to look at herself in the mirror. There is possibly more people she has been sleeping with and she does so without protection. She had a miscarriage during feb of this year. I’m 90% sure it was mine, though she claimed it was her husbands though she says he never wants to touch her. I wouldn’t have surprised if she aborted it or never got pregnant to begin with. So then I got her a job at a place I worked around that same time. Of course she used this to get guys numbers and continue expanding her web of sexual partners farther out. We got in an argument when she invited her coworker she was sleeping with to my bar, to which she quit had a fit and hadnt spoken to me in months. This was in April. Skip to end of july. I get a call and a text from Alysia, I dont answer. She then proceeds to knock on my door and ask me to let her back in my life. Come to find out she was talking to a mutual friend of james and I over the summer named Steve. I don’t know if they did anything as he is married as well, but I wouldn’t put it past her, she thrives on taking things from others and enjoys pretending to be innocent and hard working. She mentioned when we were still talking that the new PBS she is working at now, all the staff despise her, they can read her well and know she’s just a two faced cheater who go there by f**king her way to the top. I’ve seen this woman laugh at someone in tears, I’ve seen how cold and selfish she is at the core. She told me she has cheated on every single person she’s ever been with. And I think she always will. I can’t regain these 2 yrs back, and I can’t deal with the guilt, the tainted love, nor the fact that she treats everyone like things in her world, beneath her. Like shes some mastermind and we’re all just stupid people she can control with her sexuality. She now works at the Punch Bowl in Stapleton Colorado. In the 2 yrs I’ve known her she has continuously cheated on Rob with me and the people mentioned above. I hope someday she figures herself out. Although I truly do feel guilty for what I’ve done with this woman. If what she said was true that her 2nd husband was f**king her while she was married to the first, than at least he knew the s**t was gonna come back out eventually.

2 thoughts on “Ally Alysia Vizachero — Colorado

  1. I knew her too,
    ****, crazy to think after all these years she still doing the same ****, my boy knew her back when they were in their early 20’s I met her again later on and started ******* with her too, she said she was married, and then stopped hanging with me when she got pregnant after we ****** and couldn’t kick it no more cause **** was getting suspicious. But my homie said she told him that **** back in the day too, probably cause she was tryin to peace out. she likes to **** the crew and walk away.

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