Allison Kettrick — New York, New York

This reformed stripper now resides in NY but the incident with my fiance at the time took place in NJ. After my fiance at the time continued with suspicious behavior (coming home later, going more and more to the club, protecting his phone) I decided to hire a PI that a friend of mine used. I actually met this girl once when I went with him and another couple once. She only went by “bella”. I was presented with pictures and videos of this girl teasing, kissing, and performing oral *** on him. She’s not the only stripper he was doing this with, but that’s all I needed. It was also uncovered the she was living with her soon to be husband during this. Nice to go kiss you boyfriend on the mouth after a mouthful from another girl’s man? Look out. I’ve notified every one of her boyfriends since. She’s cheated on all of them, including her husband which she recently divorced. She also cheated on the guy she was cheating with.

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