Alicia Martinez — California

Alicia Martinez she is a psychotic *****. She can’t keep girlfriends because she **** there boyfriends or husbands. Always uses the suicidal card on guys to keep them or she’s pregnant and ends up trying to get pregnant. Recently fuked my husband she was a one night stand and since she works at the DA’s office as a receptionist she searched all his info to try and contact him. The ***** is pregnant and says it’s his. She is still trying to contact him after he told her he wants nothing. She wears 5 lbs of make up loves the filters but never person looks like a clown. I couldn’t believe how ugly she was in person until I saw her. She hangs out at bars alone hoping to land a dumbass to *** her and get her pregnant. I feel bad for her son having all these guys lay up in her bed that she shares with him in her one bedroom alley way studio. She needs to rot in **** its not the first time she does this to a family with kids!!

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