Alicia Latting — Kearney, Nebraska

Alicia is 27 years old. Lives in Kearney Mo. She is a meth using tattle telling *****. While using meth she sets all of her friends up with clay county police and the highway patrol in trade to keep her record clean and to be able to keep using. Her cousin Bobby is the sargent of the excelsior springs police department and is who she gives her information about her friends to. Alicia married a guy named Ricky just to try and cover up the fact that she set him up in 2 different occasions. They were both placed on felony probation for 5 years in which Alicia and Ricky kept using and in results Ricky dropped dirty and was sent to prison while Alicia ‘s cousin somehow had some pull with her probation officer and skated by her UA’s even though she was dirty. While Ricky was in prison she left him for another guy named thomas who was just a quick fling and then she was on to the next. Alicia and Ricky have a son together who she does not allow Ricky to see. While Ricky was in prison she sold his car and has kept all of his stuff and refuses to make any contact with him. Anyway if ur looking for a Married backpaging stripper who uses dope and snitches on all her friends then Alicia is the one for you.

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