Alicia Johnson — Raynham, Massachusetts

Don’t know where to start. Alicia Johnson is her married name, her maiden name is Millerick. She is a bipolar psycho ***** originally from Whitman now living in Raynham. She’s married and has a family of her own which didn’t stop her from going after my husband. She works in Bridgewater at Salon Platnium as a hair dresser which is how she ran into my husband. He was a customer of hers. She found him after that on Facebook and they started chatting and then they started hooking up. Usually in her car, but also at her house. They never once used a condom. How sickening and trashy. There are some dirty people out there and Alicia is as dirty as it gets. She became obsessed with my husband and from what I’ve read in the text messages she wanted to leave her husband and wanted my husband to leave me. But my husband refused to leave me and she kept pressing the idea. She was very very unhappy with her marriage. The stupid girl could not get it in her head that she was just a booty call nothing more to him. After I found out and read the text messages I called her and we had some words. She admitted to me she didn’t care about her family or ruining there lives. She’s as trashy as it gets. I hope her husband knows she’s still trying to contact my husband.

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