Alicia Gamez Rojano She’ll Hide Your Man’s Keys In Her V@Gin@!!!

Alicia Gamez Rojano She’ll Hide Your Man’s Keys In Her V@Gin@!!!. She pretends to be your friend. Having only your “best interest” at heart. When what she’s really doing is sneaking her way into the small cracks of your relationship, turning them into huge gaping HOLES, where she burrows in like a ******* tick & sucks the life blood out of your commitment. First she was an acquaintance, then a buddy to my boyfriend. Only because she wanted to get to know ME, because she didn’t have any female friends and was so lonely. Well it’s OBVIOUS why she has no friends, she screws people over. She is so FAKE! With her holier-than-thou attitude. Dumb *****! She knew my boyfriend and I have known each other since MIDDLE SCHOOL. He was my first kiss! We had been together for 2 years when she wedged herself between us. Pretending to be his closest confidant. Of course when we would argue or have fights, there was fuken ALICIA! Calling & texting & IMing MY boyfriend. She finally got her wish on Easter 2019. She fuked my man. Of course this crazy cvnt pulled the pregnancy card when he told her he didn’t want her, he wanted ME. It was total bullsh1t and she dragged it on for the next few months. I called her out on her lies but she stuck to it, all the while REFUSING to even take a pregnancy test. But her story finally fell apart EXACTLY the way I say it would (I mean how do you produce a non existent baby?). Fast forward to now & this ***** is fuking his friend, STILL calling/texting, and is STILL MARRIED to her husband of 10+ years. Oh, and if you’re wondering about the title of my post….she hides bottles of baby enema in her *****. What’s inside the bottle has to do with drug tests (use your imagination). BEWARE!!!!


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