Alexandria Marler — Klamath Falls, Oregon

This is Alex. She came around with my sis in law. She seemed nice and even held my baby and told me how adorable he was. All the while she was wanting to start a relationship with my husband. Well we had some bjg disagreements this year and during one, My husband went to my inlaws and Alex was also invited, they were bbqing and drinking, I didnt think anything of it little did i know they slept togather that night while i home with our son. Then this hoe has the audacity to cone to my house 2 times after they slept togather and snile in my face and make conversation. I had no idea until i caught her texting my husband and he came clean about her. It gas been a rough process trying to recover trust after this. Im sure this is not the first time she has done sonething like this. Since we met she has been an alcoholic unstable jobless hobosexual, bouncing from place to place from klamath to medford to portland and back. Watch out she is not ashamed of the nasty thing she does. She directly told me yes I f**ked your man and I am done with him so you can have him back now.

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