Alexa Hill — Pleasant Hill, Missouri

This little 24 yr old girl decided after being asked and told to stay away from my fiancé, we have been together 10 years, and she has a fiancé along with a 3 year old, to go ahead and sleep with and have a secret relationship with him. She lied to her man along with everyone else. She worked at getting my man got months 6 to 8 to be exact when I caught them and found the 20 nasty pictures she sent my man. I gave her time to tell her man. She couldn’t even do that. She has no remorse at all. She did this bc she wanted what I had or thought I had. She doesn’t care who she hurts or what kids are involved. She will involve her own child. She did when she met with my man. Watch out for her. She will go after anyone who will show interest in her or give her some time.

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