Alex Lunder — North Carolina

Hi, I sent this post last week but I forgot to add my email. Not sure if that’s the reason why it hasn’t been posted? Here is the gossip/ content again Where do we begin with this crazy golddigger sloot!? She recently got caught fuking her boyfriend’s best friend in his own house! What a way for her to thank him for taking her to Paris and many other places around the world. This crazy gal has no limits… She is known to like older men with deep pockets, so guys, if you are not a sugar daddy, over 40 with lots of cash, you don’t have a chance! She claims she is a “Dental” something, but I would be very careful getting my teeth checked out by her, she loves pepsi and loves to be high on the job lol…someone please call her boss! This is a very special type of golddigger sloot

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