Alex Cummings — Baltimore, Maryland

That we all know that Baltimore, Maryland is one the most overrated disgusting cities of all time. Horrible night clubs and promoters, nasty *** food and some of the most lose disgusting sloreish women the world has ever seen. The woman picture here is no different. You may have remembered a couple of years ago back from 2010 to 2013 that group called the Bombshell Models her and that sleazy lasagna breath smelling Erin where the leaders of it. As well as the two sauerkraut, bratwurst eating **** ****** Rachel and Jamie. Alex is the stereotypical Blue-Eyed Devil Becky. She is alleged to have set up many African American been to get beat up for stuff they didn’t do. It is rumored that was she was 18 or 19 years old that she went to Jamaica and give the cookie to a black dude and got pregnant and gave up the kid for adoption as to appease her non-biological parents. She has extreme self hate issues is known to be racist towards Latinos, but what she doesn’t tell nobody is that she’s of an Hispanic background. One of her biological parents is Hispanic, the parents she claims she grew up with are not her real parents. She loves giving up the cookie like its running water. She slept with all of the Goodlife Boys back in the day and did Wayne Craig, Nico, Juilo, Luis Rosa, Keith Jefferson, Chris Day, Vince Martinez, Big Gay Dan, Mason Geore, the list reaches the hundreds. Does woman’s also a snitch and is known to go to police on people and got numerous people locked up. This woman think she all that when she look like a busted up brick wall troll. Now she trying to act like she good old Christian and married that bald headed Neo-**** Van Cummings. That dude look like a straight punk and a closet ****. Stay away from this fake a$$ woman.

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