Alan Richert – Arizona

Serious erection problems. Even ****** often doesn’t help.Alan Richert is a complete lying scumbag. I have talked to several girls he was “working” this summer. They also confirm the hard on problems.He always uses he same pathetic pickup lines which sadly seem to work on a lot of people. Me included. When online he starts out as “Hey there.” These are some others: “You are beautiful eyes”. “There is just something about you” “Would love to meet you as soon as possible” “I am very hopeful about this” Then after you meet “I really think you could be the one.” “How soon can we meet again”. BLAH BLAH BLAH. All the while he is saying the same things to dozens of other girls. Often has a date every night of the week. I don’t know how as he is not very attractive and has serious money issues. Also very selfish in bed and out.

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