Alan Capalbo — Florida, United States

Super liar & cheater extraordinaire” “What a piece of $#it…cheated on his wife, then after he was caught and divorced…he spread his love to many other women along with the largest bag of lies I have ever been witness too. Alan Capalbo will lie when the truth is easier, Alan Capalbo will cheat as quickly as he draws a breath, Alan Capalbo will include his children in the lies to ‘Prove’ his lie or position. Alan Capalbo will pay for everything at first…then the sob stories come out and you find yourself feeling sorry for him and paying for whatever might be in front of you at the moment. Alan Capalbo is looking for a women to pay his bills for him…Don’t be fooled ladies…this guy is a master liar and a smoooooooth talker. Alan Capalbo has nothing except the vehicle he drives which by the way the ex~wife paid for. Alan will take your money, he will take your trust, he will take your love and compassion and flush all of it down the drain when it benefits him the most. Alan has accounts on all the major dating sites and keeps his phone in his pocket with a code lock…Alan deletes his texts as they come in so no trail will be easy to find….unless of course you catch him in the act as I have…I compared notes and stories with the last girl and OMG…what suckers we were. I do want to thank Alan for cheating on me as it has taught me a valuable lesson and it has prevented me from making a HUGE mistake.” COMMENTS UNDER PROFILE: TINA November 14, 2016 at 23:25.: “Oh yeah, he’s about as low as they get, ladies!!! I’m another ‘victim’ of Alan Capalbo’s…run, run fast!!! He lies, cheats and uses you till someone that has more tongue fifer comes alive no!

1 thought on “Alan Capalbo — Florida, United States

  1. So So True, I was there thru the divorce he insited we move in together and paid for everything. Then cheated with women while he was at work & literally the next door neighbor.
    He has continued to contact me over the years since busting him claiming his love & wanting to meet up when he visits Florida.
    He lives in Elijay GA at the moment supposedly remarried but getting another divorce since we split in 2013, maybe his third marriage?

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