Agnes Hanczaruk – New Britain, Connecticut

This 42 year-old nurse tech works at Bradley memorial hospital in Southington, Ct. She pretends to be a Miss goodie two shoes, but she’s really a hoe who likes to pursue and have *** with married men. She claims that just because she’s friendly doesn’t mean she’s flirting especially if that person is already involved with someone else. She’s needs to practice what she preaches. For the last 10 months she been involved with a married man that works at the hospital and has had *** with him in the parking lot in his vehicle behind the hospital. On her days off from work, when he is working she goes to the hospital where she has *** with him. He finally cut it off with her in July 2018 and told her that he wanted to work things out with his wife. She insisted on being just friends. A month later she calls him up and ask him to please come over and fix her door, once there she again she lured him into her bed. Trust me I know that he has as much fault as she does, it takes two to tangle. Recently she follows him around the hospital when he’s doing his rounds as a security officer and talks to him and then ends up giving him blow jobs. She’s an ugly ***** who looks like an old hag and pretends to be sweet and innocent because she can’t get a man of her own. Ladies you have been warned!

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