Adam Christopher Young — Hazel Green, Alabama

I met my dirty ex Adam and we had a youthful fling, which resulted in me getting pregnant. He forced the issue of marriage until I relented and agreed thinking that he was serious and we were going to have a family. For ten years, I lived in a constant cycle of his abuse, drama, lies, manipulation, drug & alcohol abuse. The only good thing is that we had 2 beautiful daughters. I’d kick him out, and he’d come crawling back when he realized he was homeless and nobody would help him but me. He’d tell me lies that I really wanted to believe because our oldest daughter loves him so much. Then a month later he’d be back drinking, stealing the kid’s lunch money to buy liquor, lying, talking to girls on the interest, cheating, doing drugs, etc. I’d kick him out and the cycle would start over. He is a textbook Sociopath. He doesn’t feel any emotions but drunk and anger. Finally, I said no more. He found another woman online to take care of him and he was gone. He refused to send money to help with the girls, and didn’t really see them unless the girl he was dating at the time wanted a lather type”. Finally, our divorce was finalized a year ago. (7/21/14) I was able to many my high school sweetheart, who is an amazing man and great stepdad. Adam has paid exactly $130 in the last year. The child support order is for $442 per month. He owes approximately $5,200 in child support. I don’t keep the kids from him, they visit his sister frequently because he is an alcoholic and I don’t feel safe with him being alone with them. He visits the girls when they are at his sister’s house but if it wasn’t for his sister, he’d probably never see them. That’s not a big deal The real problem is that every time I have to tell my kids they can’t have something they need, I realize that is his fault. He has plenty of money to drink and go out with whoever he is dating that week…but not enough to pay child support. I hope that this could be a way to warn women about men like this. The girl he is dating now has a child. A child that will get attached to him and he’ll walk out on them too when someone better comes along. He probably tells her that he’s a great Daddy. He surely posts that he is on Facebook. De he probably tells her he has money, and that he’s going to take care of her… she makes him want to be a better man and that he already loves her so much. All of this is his game. The sweet guy. Until he’s drunk calling her names and wrecking her cars. Be warned! He doesn’t even know how to spell his kid’s middle name.

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