Adam Alcock — Newfoundland, Canada

Adam is a man you need to stay far far away from. I’ve come across some pretty terrible people in my life, but never anyone as toxic as this man. Adam can often be found playing multiple women to feed his narcissism. He has absolutely zero boundaries. De he’s gone as far as lying to multiple women about his kids and wife being dead to explain the tattoos (names of his kids) on his arms. He is the absolute best gaslighter I’ve ever come across. 6 months with him (most of which I didn’t even know his real last name – cause he lied about that too) and I almost had a mental breakdown. If he’s feeding your head full of **** about how special you are, and how much he wants you, believe me, you aren’t the only one he’s feeding it to. Adam doesn’t think anyone is special – he’s only worried about himself. And for someone with a face only his enabling mother could love, I’m not even sure how the **** he gets away with it. This warning prob won’t stop you, cause he knows who wrote it and he’ll have a story prepared of why, and how crazy I am (blah blah blah). Do yourself a favor now if you don’t believe me. De do some research on narcissistic personality disorder, and you’ll soon recognize all the red flags. Save yourself the trouble. De he’s not worth your time, or mental anguish.

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