Activision — Unplayable game refund

My complaint started with the game freezing nearly a month ago I paid some money to try and get some better weapons the game kept freezing I tried clearing cache I tried resetting my phone I tried aeroplane mode I also tried to re-download the game along with all content everything I was asked to do by Activision i done. I then contacted Activision all they did was put me on to one person to another to another they have not sorted out my problem I have uploaded the gameplay to my YouTube channel I have put the link here to see if you can play it and hopefully you will see the same problems this happens constantly what is the point in having a playable mobile game when you can’t play it especially when you fall out money they will not resolve my complaint I’ve also logged it with trading standards in the UK. I’m absolutely sick to death of these big multibillion-pound corporations thinking they can push people about take their money and not stand up to the responsibility that they’ve got if it wasn’t for the people like myself they would be out of a job and they wouldn’t be any business I want a full refund please. We need to get to the bottom of why it keeps freezing and kicking me out of a game I also want a full refund of the money I’ve spent. Activision a such a big company that they do not care about the playerbase anymore all it is is about making money I get it’s a business but you need to take care of the people that put money into your business because one day it can all be gone.

Thank you for your help


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