Aaron Rehn — Jacksonville, Florida

This is Aaron Rehn he is the biggest liar and cheater I’ve ever met he will tell you things to feel sorry for him. Nothing that comes out of his mouth is true. He claims that his mom abused, his baby mama keeps his daughter away from him when all he is trying to get sympathy for himself. He talks to every girl behind your back he was never not talking to someone and that includes the mother of his child while he saying how much he loves you and wants to be with you and how you mean the world to him, and he wants to marry you because you’re the best thing that ever happened to him when he’s been talking to every girl behind your back and telling them the exact same thing while sleeping with the mother of his child. Which is also sleeping with other guys the joke is the running total for her is 50 guys just this year alone and she doesn’t believe in condoms. Be careful of getting with him you may catch what he’s been sleeping with or you just may be lied to over and over again nothing that comes out of this little boys mouth is the truth and he will tell you that this is some crazy ex-girlfriend when in fact it’s not. He has a story or an explanation for everything when all he does is lie there is nothing that he says that is actually true other than his name is Aaron. He thrives on cheating on people and if you tell him something that is very dear to you like a secret or something that most people don’t know if he gets mad at you he will throw it in your face and use it to hurt you which is actually ended a few people in the hospital because they weren’t strong enough to not listen and they ended up hurting themselves he doesn’t understand what he does actually destroys other people’s life. He is the bottom of scum he is the most piece of **** person I have ever met and I regret ever meeting him. I feel bad for that little girl of his because she got the short end of the stick of a mother and a dad she’s going to end up on the corner selling her body just so that she can get money to feed herself or if she’s going to end up with 12 kids and living off the government just like her mother is going to end up doing.

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