She herself is married and also goes by Iris Susan Auler. Or Isusann73. Hooked up with my piece of garbage husband several months ago. She hasn’t had a job in over a year, her decent sister got her a job at a bank. Someone tried to rob it and now she claims she has PTSD and goes to a “women’s group”. Whenever she gets money she gambles it away in Laughlin if her friend will drive her. She lost custody of her oldest (fatherless of course) child to her own mother yet calls me a bad mom. Keeps sending my husband cheap lingerie pics, he breaks up with her so she contacts me and threatens me. I believe she is the one vandalizing my car. On her Fb profile, her “true love” is my husband, Timothy Wayne Newton. She’ll be waiting for him a long time because he only wants women who take care of him. Iris couch surfs until she’s kicked out. She’s currently living with her dad. She is 45 years old!