Adam Orndorff is a 32 year old white male that uses the business name “AMPD” for mechanic work along with buying and selling vehicles. His contact information is Dayton based and is easily found on Facebook or through Public sites. Adam is a convicted felon x20 with violent tendencies that carries dangerous weapons. Adam conducts his shady business throughout Ohio but mainly around the Dayton/Drexel area and on Facebook. IF you’re lucky enough to actually get your vehicles back, his work is shotty at best and is ALWAYS returned in worse condition than the owner left it. He uses his customers money for his personal needs which are drugs and paying random people for sexual favors. Adam uses used parts he “buys” from O’Reillys or LKQ or random parts he finds at “friends houses” while charging for new parts. Adam has sold stolen vehicles, vehicles without titles, vehicles with fraudulent titles and prides himself on his convincing ways of doing so. He is currently “in hiding” over owing multiple people money, work that was paid for, parts that were stolen and sold along with a slew of other things. Adam also loves to use his customers vehicles as his own WITHOUT a valid drivers license, while claiming they are his, WITHOUT permission from owners and has wrecked most of them doing so. He has multiple addictions which include Methamphetamine, Adderall, Percocets, Alcohol, Cigarettes, ***, *********** and more. I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND DOING ANY SORT OF BUSINESS WITH THIS GUY AND IF YOU ALREADY HAVE, GOODLUCK.