Zac Cooper — Mount Olive, Illinois

Hmmm where to begin? I met Zac right after he broke up with his ex Meghan and needless to say he never really “left” her. I found out much later that he was still seeing her and sleeping with me… We weren’t exclusive but I’ve now found out this is his MO. He is from mount olive originally but frequents the STL and edwardsville area. Ladies- beware!!! De he is SOOOO great at lying, cheating, and deceiving people. I’m sure his entire business is nothing but a scam as well. Google it and you’ll see. He is so far in DEBT that any women who comes in his life and takes care of him (financially and like a mother) he stays with her and cheats on her no matter how “unhappy” and “miserable” he says he is! It is pathetic! I have a daughter and no time for this BS so I ended it. His mom will lie for him and cover his tracks when he is out with another girl and so will all his friends. Ask anyone from his hometown or who has known him for years- he is and always will be a cheating *******! Started early on with Brittany, then Erin, Julie, Sarah, Meghan, his now GF lauryn list goes on! From what I’ve heard he has the same game. Finds a girl who adores & smothers him, moves in together, buys her a dog after a couple months of dating all the while cheating on the poor girl.

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