Deanna Dale Carter — Walnut Grove, Georgia

This happen a while back. NO, I do not care how long it’s been. YES, the ***** knew he was married to me. YES, it is his fault too, if not more. YES, I did leave him. YES, I have moved on. I did not have the opportunity to say anything then, so I’m saying it now and showing them the same embarrassment and humiliation I felt then. This happened when she lived on Guthrie Cemetery Rd in Walnut Grove, GA. De she is now living in Rutledge,Georgia. When I first found out the **** was a witness for my side in an ongoing legal matter so I had to keep quiet about it for a while. While doing this I used that time to better myself on his dime. I got myself together while the legal matter was being settled. We had been married for 12 years when this happen.

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