Facebook — Spam post that goes against community standards

I shared a post from a group, to another group in January this year, the post was a photo of Niagara Falls, yet I was told yesterday, November 12th, that my post went against facebooks community standards! How can a beautiful photo of one of nature’s wonders, Niagara Falls, be against community standards? I also got a telling off, after I posted a news report about a truck that had hit a low bridge, which is clearly marked well in advance, and added a comment that the driver must be blind, a comment which would be uttered by anyone who is like myself, experienced in driving Trucks for a living, but again you said this went against your community standards!? Yet when I report to you, a group that I’d been invited to join, that I viewed as part of that invite, contained nude photos, Facebook came back saying they had reviewed the group and found nothing that went against Facebook’s community standards, seriously are you actually bothering to look? Also this last week, my fiancee was told that her post, where she had checked in at a local Cineworld Cinema and stated that she was watching the latest movie from the Marvel Studios, which is on general release, went against Facebooks Community Standards!!!!! Has Facebook gone mad, or has the world gone mad, because this is just beyond ridiculous!!!! They should stop picking on innocent people, who are not posting anything offensive, or untrue, and concentrate on removing things that shouldn’t be viewed by children, I.e. nude photos, and should remove the warnings from my account, and my fiancee Isla Rhys too.

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