Worst Agency to work for

I have been booked Today 27.10.2021 to start work after I had my interview and all the paperwork done. They send me an email with the Postcode where I should go work, in a remote area of Crawley at 8.35 am a bus picked me up and brought me to another location. When I arrived there they said they could not find me in the sister and they asked me to stay outside on the street due to not being allowed to stay inside by their Policy. I didn’t know where I am with the postcode to use and when I asked them they said to arrange myself and find what I need. So I stayed outside in the windy and rain from morning until 2 pm when I finally find someone to help me and take a train for coming home. I applied for the job in Crawley with them but they send me to Byfleet Ardingly without telling or asking me. If further actions will not be taken against them I will call Citizen Advice and other institutions to make complaints against PMP Recruitment. They should take hard actions against them because I am not the only one who happens this

Author: dr3gos96

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