— PayPal froze my account for no reason

I sent a very expensive bag to the buyer and PayPal did not give me my money they froze it and I had no payment yet the bag was already delivered to the customer and I still do not have access to my money. So the buyer has a bag I have not been paid for! USPS took 2 weeks to deliver a 2-day priority package which was NOT MY FAULT and PayPal had no right to keep my money. I want my money back now and with interest! Also, they froze it so I could not add money, and De I could not use a credit card to buy a label to ship 2 other items to another buyer. They prevented me from functioning! Stole my money! As a result, I had to pay almost $50 for a shipping label instead of one on PayPal that was discounted $34 or so that I had every right to purchase. Now buyer filed a dispute because of the delays caused by PayPal and PayPal put a negative of almost $399 in my account and still has not released my other money even though the buyer received merchandise 2 days ago! I want my money back with interest!

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