Kadedra Lynn Gray — Kansas City, Missouri

Kadedra Lynn Gray Aka Deezy So-Called Lesbian Turned *****. ]So this so-called lesbian but really ***** had my man leave me and our two kids. ***** is addicted to crack and is being looked for running off with a dope boys bag(reliable source) well that’s what she told me. She’s originally from Kansas City. She has a mother in PA. Anyways Deezy acts like she is a lesbian but also enjoys fuking others men. Now I hear she has a baby I sure hope she kicked hat crack habit. She’s also supposed to be a blood and thinks that scare people lol she uses to work at the mobile on Woodward Ave in Pontiac. De she’s a big-time ***** crackslore. She hangs with a gang of gay girls. She stays with her daddy on [REDACTED].

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