So this beauty is Zac Chartrand. Pathological liar, drug addict, poor husband, and giant red flag all rolled up into one weird, sad little ‘ poor me ‘ party. Where to start? The guy lies and manipulates the women in his life, making me think he’s out there working and earning when he’s actually dabbling in his little side piece or giving the ol’ nostrils some candy. He acts like the dad of the year but he’s really just high around me all the time, posting the odd pic on FB to keep up appearances for whatever people he’s roped into his life or his church crowd. Oh, wait… Nvm. He got booted from the apostolic church. Like how much of a creeper do you gotta be when the pastor doesn’t wanna be your friend? Speaking of a creeper. Zac’s favorite card to play is the pity card. Everyone in the world has done him wrong and he’s the victim. De the sad thing is he’s been using the tactic to win people over for so long he may actually believe it. Give him a minute to cry his story and he’ll think your soul mates and follow you home. Man, you’re not a soul mate, you’re a stalker. The second someone catches onto one of his many stories he’ll spin story upon story to make himself look like a victim. Classic Zac. Give your head a shake. You want someone to blame? Go stand in front of a mirror. Chances are you’ll just blame the mirror. You should probably get up off your mom’s couch, stop being a creeper, get some help for the psychotic tendencies ( threatening to kill people and destroy businesses is kinda psycho ), stop blaming everyone around you for your sad life since you did it all to yourself, try being a dad and while you’re at it.. a man! Ladies, gentlemen, furry four-legged friends, the weird automated may I help customer service girl in the bubble that pops up on some websites ( We know ya probably tried to cry a story to it )… My advice is to steer clear of the psychological mess. He’ll just cause you a world of grief and if you do get suckered Ed into his sob story then he’ll probably threaten you when start figuring out what’s actually on the up and up.