AppEsteem Corporation — Monthly extortion fees

Appesteem’s sole business model is to create “rules” from what the companies owner admitted are solely his personal opinions and then charge exorbitant fees to contact the antivirus companies and have them stop detecting your software. Any software that violates the owner’s personal opinions is called a “deception” for the rest of eternity and detected by antivirus companies. Appesteem using these “rules”, or personal opinions of the companies owner, got our software detected by 16 antivirus programs due to the companies owner not liking one word in our software. The word he didn’t like was “errors” and is the same word other popular programs such as CCleaner used 2 months ago. We removed the word “errors” from our software, yet Appesteem refuses to contact the antivirus companies to stop detecting our software. Appesteems owner even called us the model of our industry and an example for other companies to follow. I would hate to see how he deals with companies he doesn’t like. However, six antivirus companies still detect our software. One has stated they are fixing their false detection, I’m still waiting on the others to fix their false detections of our software. Appesteem will only contact the antivirus companies and have them stop detecting our software if we pay them $2500 down, $1,000/mo, and $300/hr for “consulting” fees, which I think are more accurately called extortion fees. Appesteem’s owner seemed to confirm in writing that one of their companies that pays them, Uniblue, is violating his personal opinions in their popup. But they are safe because they pay his monthly extortion fees and are not detected by antivirus and are not called a “deception” like us, even though we follow all his personal opinions, or “rules” while Uniblue does not. We had no problems at all with antivirus companies until Appesteem decided to have the antivirus companies detect us. This is by far the most ridiculous business idea I’ve ever seen in my entire life.

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