Luis Espinoza — Las Vegas, Nevada

Allow us to start this with the fact that yes I am hurt, but I am more disgusted at this man’s attempt to play me for a fool because I told him on multiple occasions that I will not take a backseat to anyone. I do not want or need the headache, because no man is worth the pain. I also made the mistake of not having the courage to cut him off cold turkey, but we sometimes do things that aren’t all that smart. I met Luis when I was working in Las Vegas passing out fliers on the strip, and we started talking, and he invited me to have lunch with him in his car. We started talking and we basically became lovers within a short period of time, and we had ‘fun’ in his car during our breaks. I can’t say that we were boyfriend and girlfriend, but we definitely enjoyed each other’s company. In December 2015, I made a decision to move out of state because I was burnt out, and I wanted something different. Fast-forward to late February 2016 I received a message online from Luis inquiring about how I had been good stuff. I honestly didn’t expect to hear from him because I rarely saw any activity on Facebook, and I considered deleting him. Over the course of 2016, we kept in touch via Facebook’s messenger, and he would ask me to consider going back to Las Vegas, but to be honest I had a lot of doubts due to our age difference, his maturity level, and just other issues. I wasn’t quite sure of it. There were times that we wouldn’t speak because I always had one foot outside the door and there were so many unanswered questions in my mind. It didn’t help that Luis would badger me and quite frankly, tested my patience with his behavior. Then came the month of December 2016 when he told me that had met a girl at a pawn shop, and that he had to marry her because he was afraid of being deported due to Donald Trump being elected as president. DE, He told me that he didn’t want to marry her, but that had to. I told them that if that’s what he needs to do, then so be it, but that I would not be the girl on the side. The next day he tells me online that he chickened out etc etc. But obviously, I was in a different state, so I couldn’t be sure if he was telling me the truth or not. I even made the effort to look at marriage licenses but due to the Christmas holiday. I couldn’t find any information and when I looked it up again I saw that it wasn’t updated until early January. The only reason I was able to find the marriage records was due to the fact that I saw her on his Facebook tagging in romantic posts that raised my suspicions, but I had forgotten to ask him what the deal was.

So, I decided to look up her name and it popped up because he has a surname that I was NOT aware of, We kept in touch during the holiday season, and throughout January (I was under the impression that he was single), and we exchanged pictures on Facebook’s messenger. Nothing says class like flirting with another woman when you just got married twenty-four-hours prior. In late March, I receive a phone call from a number I didn’t recognize, and it was Luis saying that he missed me, etc. We chatted briefly and made tentative plans for me to come out to Las Vegas for his birthday and with the possibility of me going back permanently. We also exchanged a good number of racy text messages and all this other stuff. Then his number was no longer in service, and he gave me some excuse about his phone getting water damage and not wanting to pay the bill until he saved cash for a nicer phone. ( he was supposedly accessing messenger using free Wifi at McDonald’s) Then I log online I receive a dramatic message telling me that he is married and can no longer be in contact with me, etc., which is totally understandable, but why didn’t you tell me this when you got married on December 24, 2016? He has the morals of a sewer rat! What get’s me is that he had the ***** to act as I’m the one who is in hot pursuit of him, and as if I’m desperate to go running back at the drop of a dime. How dare you try to assassinate my character and make me look like the bad guy! Dude really?? You seem to have forgotten a few things (including the fact, you’re a married man). Now all of a sudden of you have morals? Let me guess wifey probably caught you, and I’ll bet she is the one who wrote the messages! She can keep you and deal with your bullshit because I have finally realized that I should have left you behind a long time ago You know I feel sorry for his wife because chances are she is oblivious to whom this man really is, but if she chooses to turn a blind eye to his behavior that is her problem. I am sure he has told her that this was a mistake and all that good stuff, but you don’t mistakenly contact a person time after time-especially after you’ve been married less than twenty-four hours! Please don’t think for one minute that I envy her because the truth is I didn’t dodge a bullet. What I dodged was being doused in agent orange. (if you don’t know what that is do some research) For clarification purpose’s I was unable to find the message where Luis says that he backed out of the marriage and that she had called his phone numerous times looking for him which is why I BELIEVED THAT HE WAS SINGLE and inclined to possibly working things out. I also looked up marital records numerous times but was unable to find anything due to him having a surname that I was unaware of. So, he obviously didn’t marry her right and simply felt like he was under the gun to get married for the sake of immigration. As you can see I was not jumping into marriage with him. In fact, I told him many times that I would NOT marry him…especially if he was marrying me for citizenship. I will NOT be anyone’s safety net.

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