Rhonda Marie Dodge — Elizabeth, Indiana

SHE causes A BREAK UP OF A 29 YEAR MARRIAGE these people been married 29 years been together 30. He walked out on his wife rather than stay home and face what he did. while she gets to keep her job and feels no regret for what she has done. SHE OPENLY ADMITTED she did not care about his wife or 3 small children at home and pursued a married man. It’s not the first time she has done it and I am sure it won’t be the last…. the devastation done to the wife can in no way be comprehended or explained in any words. I can assure you that man was her everything her lifeline her best friend…. I know the wife contacted her on Facebook and she just blocker her, would not explain why she pursued a married man and destroyed their home. feel free to look her up on Facebook or horse ..give her a pat on the back for being a heartless ***** for not caring about the pain she caused the wife and kids…like Rhonda Marie Dodge said she doesn’t care about them.

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