Lisa Higgins — Medicine Hat, Canada

Hey Guys, check out this town bicycle. She uses and cheats on every guy that she’s ever been with and trust me the list is pretty long. Don’t be fooled by her. she will use you to get what she wants and then she will ghost you. She will also tell you that she will pay you back but that’s not gonna happen. She has never paid for anything in her life. She has pretty much gone into lockdown as she has no friends left because she has ****** them all over by cheating with their men. Even your once best friend has kicked you to the curb, you know who I’m talking about the one that you claims that you have never slept with but yet You were in a so-called relationship for over a year with him, he’s the guy that bought your fake ****, lips and pretty much everything else that you have. ****, he even supported you, daughter, while you were with him. I feel sorry for this guy he must have really cared for you or he’s got sucker written across his forehead. Now that your gravy trains have run out I heard that you are floozy.. well you slept with half of the guys in Alberta and Saskatchewan so you might as well get paid for it. You should crawl back under the rock that you slithered out from under and do the world a favor. You act all sweet and innocent but it doesn’t take long for your true colors to come shining through. You should be ashamed of yourself for how you use people who actually cared about you. I don’t even know how you can sleep at night knowing that you fuked over so many people in the past couple of years. Once you got what you got your truck and house from your baby daddy it didn’t take long for you to start spreading your legs for other people. But waits a minute you cheated on him as well. So in summary boys if you have a spare 200 bucks that will get you a night with her. Be sure to double wrap tho and don’t expect mine blowing *** because she’s pretty lame in bed. I really hope that Karma find you soon *****!

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