Myra Longoria — McAllen, Texas

If this girl is “friends” with your boyfriend or husband, she’s probably already slept with them. She’s cheated with every guy she’s ever been with. She can’t hold a job so she sleeps with guys to get money. She uses and manipulates girls with who she pretends to be friends just to get them to do favors for her like babysit, cook, and even dye her hair. Once her friends realize they’re being used she dumps them and looks for new suckers. The worst of all of this is she plays the victim the entire time. She is a well know pay for play in Vegas, cali, and the Rgv. I heard She is now pregnant again and with a new guy. This is a warning to all those who come in contact with her. Be careful, and trust your instincts. If you feel like something is going on, it is.

1 thought on “Myra Longoria — McAllen, Texas

  1. To whomever it concerns,
    I am a Myra Longoria, I am reaching out to begin whatever process is necessary to have this removed as these are false accusations. I do not use my friends or people in such ways, I was pregnant with my husband who has since passed away in 2019. There is enough hate in this world and to know anyone can just make up something so awful about someone and have it on a website like this is so sad. This would be better used for actual people who actually hurt people. I am not one of them. I understand to my knowledge there may have been people in both my past and my since deceased husbands past that may have been upset with our marriage and us having a baby. We went public about our pregnancy and this happened. My husband and I chose to stay off of social media after. I am now coming back to social media and I’m so hurt by the memory of all that I have lost (loved ones) and the reminder that this still exists. It’s truly emotionally debilitating.. I have a 12 year old and her school friends and teachers all come across this. It’s not fair to her and I. We just want to live our lives without these painful accusations that make us feel so embarrassed and vulnerable to unnecessary hate. Please, these are false words and I would like to remove them

    Myra longoria

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